The Most Common Garage Bugs You May Find

When someone has bugs in their house, they will probably feel creeped out and take steps to get rid of them as soon as possible. Having bugs in the garden , on the other hand, is considered to be more natural and less problematic unless they’re outright pests that can threaten the house as well. When we come to the garage, however, most people tend to think of this as a middle ground of sorts. 

Many of us might think of our garage as a space that’s outside of the main house, even though it might be directly attached to the structure. This might be one reason why some may not be so creeped out by bugs in their garage. Since garages are more open to outdoor spaces than the rest of the house, they’re also more likely to harbor bugs in them. Picture an open garage with a warm light, perhaps an overflowing trash can nearby, and cardboard boxes for more food supply. Many garages also have clutter in them, which make for ideal hiding space for all sorts of bugs. 

Garage bugs may not bother us too much, but they do require attention and extermination from time to time. It’s best to nip the garage bug problem as soon as possible, or these pests might easily get into the house or damage our belongings. 

The first step towards doing away with garage bugs is identifying them. Here are some of the most common garage bugs you will probably find there at some point: 

1. Termites

A termite infestation is never good news; it’s one of the most damaging and feared pest invasions for any home. Termites feed on wood cellulose, which means that it can take some time for the damage to be noticed. You may have had termites in the garage for over a year and not notice anything amiss. 

As soon as you do find or suspect any termite activity, however, it’s time to take action right away. Termite damage adds up to around $5 billion each year, so you want to get a professional exterminator as soon as possible. DIY solutions are not recommended here, as you don’t want to leave even a single termite in your garage. 

2. Crickets

It may be nice to hear the sound of crickets chirping from the garden, but you really don’t want them in the garage or inside your home. At times, the mating calls or chirps of crickets have reached over 100 decibels. 

This noise pollution can quickly multiply if you neglect the cricket problem in your garage. Just one cricket will lay several hundred eggs, which will mean a whole orchestra starting up in the garage at some point. 

Crickets are attracted to warm and moist areas, so any dampness in your garage will be ideal for them. Make sure to treat and dry out any such damp patches, fix any leaks, and check for other sources of moisture in order to prevent crickets in the first place. This guide to keeping your garage bug-free might help as well.  

If the garage is dry enough but the crickets are still there, try some glue traps or sprays. Crickets are not just noisy, but they can also cause a lot of damage to what you’ve stored in the garage. This is why it’s necessary to take action against them as soon as possible. 

3. Spiders

Like most bugs, spiders are also attracted to two main features in any potential new home. These features are food availability and a place to hide in. There’s another solid feature when it comes to garages; relative safety. If someone is managing to get rid of the pests in their home, spiders and other bugs will probably head to the nearest shelter–the garage. 

In a garage, spiders have the option of crawling into and hiding in any little crack or space between the items you store there. They will also be able to catch and feast on prey in the form of other insects in that area. 

You’ll probably be able to identify the presence of spiders in your garage by the webs hanging on any available corner. While you might want to spray some spider repellent, a more effective way is to get rid of the insects that serve as prey. If you suspect that the spiders are getting in through cracks and the doors and windows, it might be time to consider the benefits of garage door screens and curtains

4. Pill Bugs

If there’s a leak anywhere or it rains, chances are that some cardboard boxes or wood in your garage gets damp. If these don’t dry out completely (and they probably won’t without a good airing in the sun), these could be sources of attraction for pill bugs. 

These pests have a similar shape to pills and need moisture in order to stay alive. This is why rotting wood, damp cardboard, and damp paper is so attractive to them. 

If you do see a pill bug anywhere near your garage or home, simply eliminating it isn’t your only concern. The presence of this bug usually means that some wooden part of a structure is rotting. This could be the foundation of the house or an issue in the doors. Take action against the dampness and rot first; the pill bugs should lessen in number after that. 

5. Silverfish

Silverfish are long and thin bugs with silver coloring–along with the color, they also get their name from their quick, smooth movements. These bugs usually slip into cracks, the openings in a cardboard box, and even plastic boxes. Once they get inside, they will feast on whatever they find edible, including pet food, clothes, paper, glue, and even their fellow silverfish. 

Silverfish might even be more attracted to your garage than the rest of your house. They can get in under the door or already be inside the old cardboard boxes you bring in to store items.

Keep in mind that a female silverfish lays three eggs daily on average. This means that an infestation won’t take long. We can use both glue traps and pesticides to remove the silverfish; there are also more natural and DIY options including mothballs, cinnamon, citrus spray, and essential oils that might drive away these pests.

6. Ants

There are several varieties of ants that can invade your garage, but carpenter ants are the worst of all. These ants may be tiny, but they nest in the middle of wood, eating away at it until the home’s frame or shelving loses all its structural integrity. 

Most ant control treatments in the market will help in controlling the population of ants in your garage. You can go for a spray product or call up a professional exterminator just to be on the safe side. 

7. Ground Beetles

The title of these beetles pretty much explains their habits and general surroundings. That’s right; they are usually seen crawling on the crowd, with some species even being nocturnal. 

A ground beetle can enter a home or its garage through cracks left by improper sealing. It can also fly, so open windows without a screen are also a point of entry. You may want to check out how garage screen curtains help to keep bugs away

As far as damage is concerned, the ground beetle is probably the most harmless of the bugs you can find in your garage. They won’t eat away at the structure; won’t lay eggs indoors; they also won’t sting, bite, or cause rashes. Of course, this doesn’t mean that we should be comfortable with them scuttling about. To prevent them from getting in through the garage, seal up any crevices or cracks around your doors as well as windows. 

8. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are hardy creatures and the bane of many a homeowner’s life. Some can be up to 1 or 1.5 inches in size, though they can be longer if they survive. 

If you see one cockroach anywhere in your home, there are high chances of a whole nest lurking inside the walls or any  other sheltered area. Since these cockroaches can trigger allergic reactions and have pathogens, it’s essential to do away with cockroaches the moment you spot even one. 

When it comes to the garage, you can take precautions such as removing any foodstuffs from the area. This includes items that you may be storing, such as a bag of flour or vegetables. Along with this, also consider setting up roach traps. 

9. Flies 

All kinds of flies might enter your garage in the short time that the garage door is open. The air currents and smells are what attract flies to homes or garages. To prevent these pests from getting in, you can again consider the use of screens and keep the garage door closed for as long as possible. 


A garage is for storing tools and sports equipment; parking your car in a safe spot, and so on. The trouble is that the more warm and inviting you make that garage, the more bugs are likely to come in along with unwanted rodents. These are not just unsightly creatures, but they can seriously damage your equipment, tools, foodstuffs, and even the walls of your structure. It’s essential to take action against these bugs now, or the cost might be too high in the future. 

Identifying these bugs is the first practical step towards a bug-free garage, so make sure you remember all these kinds and how to deal with them.